Las Vegas Stadium

Is Parking an issue at the Las Vegas Stadium?

Is Parking an issue at the Las Vegas Stadium?

Parking, will there be enough?

A recent article by Kody Stover at touched on that issue. It has certainly been a concern among Raider fans who plan to attend games at the new Las Vegas Stadium.

I know first hand the concern that fans have about this issue. I get messages every day about it. Many fans are concerned that there will not be enough room for tailgating. Others are concerned about traffic, or where, and how far, will they have to walk from.

According to an event traffic impact study, there are 2,400 planned parking spots on-site.  Clark County parking codes require 16,250 spots for the 65,000 seat stadium.

Given this new information from Clark County, it seems these concerns are valid.

But are they?

First a bit of backstory. Mark Davis has spent the last few years pounding ingress, egress, and parking. It has been one of Mark’s core beliefs in regards to a stadium project. He arrived at this after speaking to a number of owners who had recently built new stadiums. All of them had said they would have more parking if they could do it all over again. One example was the late Dan Rooney who wished he had exercised his options on the land for additional parking.

With this in mind, I spoke to someone very close to this about these concerns. It is my understanding, after this conversation, that the Parking issue is a work in progress. Basically what we see now is not what we will see in three years.

Mark Davis still believes in ingress, egress, and parking.

Another thing I was told was that Mark Davis himself continues to stand behind his belief of ingress, egress, and parking. So much so that Mark has personally made this a priority with the new stadium. Not only that but the Raiders are committed to spending hundreds of millions of dollars on onsite and offsite infrastructure, which will also include parking.

Understand that part of their development agreement hinges on a realistic parking plan. I would love nothing more than to tell you the plan that the Raiders have, however, there is a sensitive nature to this that could undermine future Raider dealings. So I’ll have to leave you with this for now.

The Raiders have three years to tackle this issue, and they are confident that they will. Given how the organization has handled this project, as a whole, and Mark Davis’s personal commitment to prioritizing this issue, I have confidence it will be handled as well.

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