Raiders Preseason

The Oakland Raiders Fumble Away 2017

It has been widely accepted that football is a game of inches. Kevin Dyson and Mike Jones know that far better than anyone. Sunday Night Football in Oakland, CA, Derek Carr was electric in the second half, but in attempting to carry the team to victory both he and the Oakland Raiders fell short 20-17.

Breaking out of the pocket and racing a defender to the pylon Carr sought to put the finishing touches on a courageous comeback personally. As the extended ball left the hands of Carr, the entire hopes of the 2017 season were fumbled along with it, out of the back of the end zone. Killing the drive and effectively putting the mathematically improbable, yet still possible, playoff hopes on life support.

The Oakland Raiders Fumble Away 2017

Running wild for what seemed like the first time all year Carr attempted to be that man for his team and I respect him for it. Carr has not often looked like the player Mark Davis and the Oakland Raiders made the wealthiest man in NFL history; however, today, Carr looked every bit the part. Opening the second half Carr had his guy-liner flashing and the strike of the “white mamba.” Inspiring his team with a 90-yard drive combining the use of his arm and the speed in his legs.

It was a shame that it took until now to get a chance to see the real Carr in action.

Creative Officiating

Few would argue the NFL is trying to make more concerted effort to try and eliminate what happened with Tom Savage and the systematic failures allowing him to reenter the competition despite having suffered a seizure on the field five minutes prior. At the same time, it does seem a little fishy that a primetime player would be removed from a team at such a critical juncture given his propensity for last-second heroics.

For what may very well have been the first time in history, head official Gene Steratore pulled out a 3×5 index card and used it in some capacity to assist with determining a measurement on a pivotal fourth down attempt. What was even wilder than watching this officiating fiasco is the insane explanation given by Steratore. If the whole card deal was for naught, was it an elaborate misdirection from an egregious misrepresentation of a spot?

In any case, the last meaningful play of the game was a microcosm of the Raiders season, the magic just hasn’t been there when it needed to be.

Defensively the effort was there, in holding Dallas to 20 points you can’t ask for too much more, Carr had the ball in his hands with the chance to win it at the end. It hurt Carr deep to let his teammates down and for all the criticism Marshawn Lynch has taken in some of his roles in altercations, he was the first man down there giving the referee an earful on behalf of his quarterback.

You win some you lose some and sometimes the season gets away from you. The 2017 Raiders will have to get em’ next year.

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