Derek Carr, Raiders QB

Social Media Reflects Dwindling Support for Raiders’ Derek Carr

The debate regarding quarterback for the Oakland Raiders has been never ending. After devastating back-to-back losses, support for Derek Carr appears to be dwindling.

The excuses and finger pointing is nothing new as the Raiders got trounced again by the Kansas City Chiefs at Arrowhead Stadium. There’s plenty of blame to go around and a lot of it seems to be falling on Derek Carr’s lap.

Related: Is Derek Carr a “lemon”?

Is it justified? Well in the court of public does it really matter? Take Twitter for example, the Raiders fan base was ruthless after this latest beat down. Let’s take a look at what some of our readers had to say about this latest debacle.

Is Raider Nation turning on Carr?

Raider Nation’s anger is understandable at least from a fan’s point of view. Fact is that the struggles in Kansas City for Carr only help dig his own hole with these terrible performances. The case can be made that there’s a general consensus that Carr is a “good or great person” but what fans wants are wins. As a fan do you really care if your quarterback is charitable or “nice” or by the same token, if he’s a jerk? Of course not. Wins are what traditionally define a football team not individuals.

Some Are Holding Onto Hope

As with any argument there’s always two sides and justifiably so. Many fans do have short-term memory and forget that prior to this two-game skid, the outlook was different. Many proclaimed Carr was having his best season and was finally shining in Year 2 under Jon Gruden. The optimism as we have seen has been short-lived to say the least.

Many say that they are tired of “the excuses” but one must step back and really try to see both sides. Has Carr been playing terrible? Of course and he deserves as all the criticism associated with being the “franchise quarterback.” Likewise, if you look at other factors such as play calling and a depleted WR corps then there’s certainly more to this story. After all, there is still four more games. Ramble On Raider Nation.

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