
NBC Sports Ranks Tom Brady As Most Hated By Raiders Fans

Raiders fans never forget, good or bad. For former Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, it’s obvious he’s still the most hated individual in a recent ranking.

The infamous “Tuck Rule” game, which saw the end of Jon Gruden’s first Raiders coaching stint, was nearly a generation ago. For most Raiders fans, it still seems like it was yesterday. The individual that has received the brunt of the backlash has always been Brady. Even after all these years, fans haven’t let up and Brady still hears about it to this day.

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Raider Nation’s Most Wanted?

As recently as last year, Raiders legend Charles Woodson, who was Brady’s teammate at Michigan, tried to get Brady to answer a question regarding the game. It’s interesting to point out NFL referees decided the outcome of that infamous call, not Brady. Of course, it was Brady and the Patriots who ended up reaping the rewards. Meanwhile, the Raiders were robbed of a potential Lombardy Trophy.

Josh Schrock of NBC Sports recently ranked individuals that Raiders fans hate the most. As far as rival players, Brady topped the list.

“Some hatred is born from familiarity and 1,000 cuts. With the division rivals listed above, you’re forced to see them twice a year and born to hate them. Others are born from circumstance. The Raiders have only faced Brady six times in his legendary career, but once was more than enough.”

What Might’ve Been

It’s amazing how one blown call has connected two teams, two coaches, and Brady for what will be an eternity. Many fans truly believe the Raiders were destined for greatness and it was robbed by the NFL. As a result, it was the Patriots who went on to multiple Super Bowl victories.

“The 2001 AFC Divisional Round game between the Patriots and Raiders, more aptly known as “The Tuck Rule Game,” helped spark the NFL’s next dynasty and kept the Raiders from what they believe was a trip to the Super Bowl. Brady, as dorky as he might be on social media, never will let the Raiders forget the play either.”

When it’s all said and done and No. 12 finally hangs it up, he’ll be remembered as one of the greatest quarterbacks ever. Nevertheless, Raider Nation will always be around to remind him his success is due to an officiating gaffe in their minds. If the hatred’s still there nearly a generation later, you can be sure it’ll be there for another one.

*Top Photo: David J. Phillip/Associated Press

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