
Is It Time to Eat Crow For Those Who Buried Jon Gruden?

Jon Gruden “the coach” brought a revitalizing energy to the Oakland Raiders in the wake of Jack Del Rio’s exit. But, Gruden “the general manager” well, not so much. In spite of this, right now, the “general manager” is looking, in all honesty, like a damn genius.

Is It Time to Eat Crow For Those Who Buried Raiders HC Jon Gruden?

Gruden was recently quoted in an article by Bryan Perez at NBC Sports in which he spoke candidly on his feelings regarding the Khalil Mack trade and its consequences now that some time has passed, in particular, regarding the draft picks Oakland received.

Oakland Raiders Head Coach Jon Gruden:

“(Mayock’s) doing all the interviews, taking all the credit for Jacobs,” Gruden said tongue-in-cheek, “but Jacobs wouldn’t be here if we didn’t have all the picks.”

Shots Fired?

Welp, did he throw shade? Not necessarily. However, he did have a “what do I have to do get some respect” type of moment. Which is not saying he’s not respected, not saying that at all. However, the notion that Gruden would be overseeing ALL operations for the Raiders made many folks nervous. Yes, Reggie McKenzie “stayed on” in his general manager position but who are we kidding here, Gruden was the capo di tutti capi (the boss) and there was no way nothing would get done without his final stamp of approval.

Pillaging Podcast: Mid-Season Review for the 2019 Oakland Raiders

Fast forward to now and this year’s draft, which was built on current general manager Mike Mayock’s scouting, is quite literally, delivering. In particular, the potential offensive rookie of the year in running back, Josh Jacobs.

So is it wrong for Gruden to have somewhat of a chip when it comes to dealing with questions relating to the trade? Of course not, Mayock’s insights and scouting has definitely paid dividends but let’s not forget the man who set this all in motion from the beginning. Even if some will still not give the man his due. Ramble On Raider Nation.

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